Thursday, September 18, 2014

How to Choose the Most Flattering Nail Colors Meant for YOU!

With all the dazzling shades of nail polishes at our disposal, it can be quite difficult to always pick out the perfect shades of nail polishes to best suit our skin tones.  However, here is a suggestion to keep in mind before making your next selection.

Fair skin ladies should check out colors of polish that have blue undertones.  Look for shades such as cool berry reds or bluish pinks to maximize your beauty.

If you happen to have olive skin, you want colors with warm undertones.  Shades such as corals with some yellow in the mix, yellow-based pinks or sheers that are on the white-pink side will compliment you the best.

Dark-skinned ladies can steal the show when your hands flash with vibrant pinks, dark purples, warm browns and creamy beige tones.

Take my advice, these colors will look and make you feel prettier than ever!