Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Decrease Excessive Facial Redness and Shrink Pores With This DIY Toner!

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You don't have to spend a lot for effective skin care.

I do not have excessive redness in my complexion, but my mother does.  However, a friend of hers shared this simple recipe to calm the skin down that does seem to make a difference helping with some of the redness while also shrinking pores.  Therefore, I wanted to share in case your skin could also benefit.

All you need is to brew up a strong cup of green tea.  Allow it to cool before you’ll take a few cotton balls or a cotton round and wipe over your face.  Store in your refrigerator and apply as needed.

This beauty trick may surprise you in how well it works to deal with this issue.  I know that it really shocked us because it seems to do more than some of the toners she was using.